Implanting Microchips—Blessing or Curse?

Microchips are no longer just for laptops and phones. With so many amazing discoveries in medicine these days, I don’t get overly excited about one anymore. Well, that was until one invention made its debut with such a jolting impact that it just may be the beginning of a whole new era in the medical…


“In Jesus’ Name.” What does it mean?

All spiritually healthy service is done in the Name of Jesus. When we act in his Name, spiritual fruit is produced. Acting in the Name of Jesus doesn’t mean we are acting as foreign ambassadors or representatives of Jesus or that we are merely following his example. Serving in the Name of Jesus means we…


3 Reasons to be SILENT in the Face of Pain.

3 Reasons to be SILENT in the Face of Pain. Minutes after my sweet mother passed away, her pastor called to let me know Mama unexpectedly died from a stroke. I caught the first plane home. A large crowd had gathered in Mama’s living room. As I was about to enter, I remember thinking, “The…


Who Is On Your Mean-the-Most List?

Who Is On Your Mean-the-Most List? Some people picture God as the super-policeman of the universe who keeps his supernatural eye on his human creatures, hoping to catch them doing something wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Over thousands of years, the many authors of the Bible observed God’s acts and attitude towards…
