If she had a Brain injury?

If she had a Brain injury, could the new BRAIN initiative help her. Researchers anticipate miracle-like results. The new $4.5 billion BRAIN project’s goal is to find new ways to treat, cure, and prevent brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries and many others. NIH Director, Outspoken Christian  Dr. Francis Collins is…

Don’t be Stupid about Suffering

  Don’t like the word stupid? The word stupid can be a wake-up word. Remember, being stupid means being in a stupor or daze about the truth. Being stupid is allowing yourself to be in a mental or spiritual fog about subjects that matters like dealing with suffering.   If you suffering pain from within or…

Don’t be Stupid – Part 2. Release Disappointment

Don’t be Stupid. Release Disappointments. The word stupid means to be in a “stupor” or “daze.” So don’t be in such a stupor or daze that you focus so much on your disappointment that you hurt yourself and those you love. That’s the essence of stupid. Have you been disappointed? Of course you have. It…


Hope & Dying – New Research. I’ve talked about my friend Buck’s death and the report of a new research project on hope.  I decided to repeat the post for those who missed it and rename it Buck Buckley, Remember. When you are your loved one is dying, where can you find hope? Is there any hope? Today in…