Disability and FaithEncouragement and FaithEnd of Life and FaithGrief and FaithSenior Adults and FaithSuffering and Faith


Don’t like the word stupid?

The word stupid can be a wake-up word. Remember, being stupid means being in a stupor or daze about the truth. Being stupid is allowing yourself to be in a mental or spiritual fog about subjects that matters like dealing with suffering.


If you suffering pain from within or without, don’t let it take you down. Use it to lift you up, to challenge you. Give your pain purpose. Make your pain, problem, or heartache work for you not against you.


In Philip Yancey’s helpful book, Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants, he reminds all of us that pain and suffering can have meaning if viewed properly. Pain can be a helpful catalyst for building and strengthening your faith.


Threatened faith multiplies.


The news that faith grows when it is threatened is nothing new. What is new is the September 10, 2015, Journal of Religion and Health report entitled, Miraculous Meaning: Threatened Meaning Increases Belief in Miracles.


The research project concluded that people who find meaning in their lives from their faith in God don’t lose their belief in the miraculous when their faith is put under pressure or put in meaningless situations.


The new research revealed that religious beliefs, such having faith in a personal God, can provide significant meaning to those who face hard circumstances. Such beliefs become real resources for coping with life’s minor and major problems.


Don’t be stupid about pain and suffering.


We need to hear what the first-century, suffering Christians in Ephesians heard, “Be children of light. Nobody should deceive you with stupid ideas.” Ephesians 5:6 CEV


During the same period in history, the Apostle Peter encouraged suffering Christians with this word, “Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine.” 1 Peter 1:6-7 MSG