Encouragement and FaithGrief and FaithSuffering and Faith

Is he watching?  What about tests? Don’t assume that everything happening to you is God’s will for you. It’s not. Some things are against his will, his desires for you. Since you are one of his beloved children, he hurts when you hurt. With his help, you can use anything, no matter how bad it is, as a personal testimony.


This Cancer May Kill Me. But It Will Never Get Me Down.


During the last month, while my best friend, Frank Short, was dying of cancer, I often heard him say, “This cancer may kill me, but it will never get me down. Whether by death or deliverance, I will praise his name.” His suffering became a powerful testimony to all those around him.


Sometimes our suffering is a test. The Bible says, “For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” James 1:3-4


Use Our Pain for a Higher Purpose


Is your suffering an accident of nature? Is it something someone else caused? Did you bring it on yourself? Is it a test? Most of the time, we can not figure out why things happen. What we can always figure out is a way to use our pain for a higher purpose.


If you choose, your Heavenly Father can use any situation to strengthen your spirit and inspire others. And, by the way, the Bible word for “test” comes from a word that means “to take a close look at something, or to choose to look at something in a different way.” If you or your loved one is going through a hard time, choose to make today’s test tomorrow’s witness. Is he watching? For sure. Because he loves you.
