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Is being patient merely being lazy? Is saying we’re waiting on God no more than an excuse for irresponsible living?

Throughout the Bible believers are called to wait patiently on the Lord. But there is a big difference between godly and ungodly patience. Sometime patience is ungodly. How can you tell the difference?

Our Lord Jesus was patient but never passive. God’s way of waiting is not the same as passivity. It’s not like waiting for the weather to change. It’s not a form of quitting or doing nothing.  Godly patience is pro-active waiting. It’s doing all we can while at the same time trustfully accepting God’s timing. It’s letting go of our control and letting God control.

The Bible word for patience literally means “to suffer.” To wait patiently is to be willing to suffer lack of understanding, uncomfortable feelings, and even physical pain believing that our all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving God is working through our circumstances for the greater good.

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

For more insights on living a life of godly patience, join me today for the live Twitter  #HealthyFaith chat. Thursday, May 18, 2017 6pm PST, 9pm ET.