Apologetics and FaithRelationships and Faith

Are you being DECEIVED? How can you know?


Is there any way for you to know whether a person is honest or dishonest, genuine or fake, and truthful or manipulative? When you listen to religious teachers, your marriage partner, your business associates, or your friends, there are five biblical tests for truth that can help you decide it they are truthful or not.


Do you know the meaning of the word “Truth?”


Before you look over the tests of truth, it will help if you know the meaning of the word truth. Throughout the Bible, the word truth refers to something or someone you can count on, rely on, or depend on in every situation in your life and death.


The ultimate standard of truth


Jesus said, “I am the truth.” (John 14:6) In other words, Jesus said “I am someone you can count on or depend on in every circumstance you may face.” As you study the Five Great Tests of Truth, remember Jesus’ life and words are the ultimate standard for what you can count on for your life.


You know that people can say almost anything to convince you they are telling you the truth, they are worthy of your trust, love, and life. But, don’t be tricked or manipulated by people and teachings that don’t pass these important tests.



To test the truth of a person or teaching, ask yourself questions like these.



  1. The Test of CHARACTER


Is this person or this teaching helping or hurting me. . .


. . . to have a more godly character?

. . . to feel good or bad about myself morally and spiritually?

. . . to act in ways that are dishonest and secretive or honest and open?

. . . to become more or less like Jesus?


  1. The Test of AUTHORITY


Is this person or this teaching . . .


. . . consistent with the overall teachings of the Scriptures?

. . . just sound good or does it produce godly results in the long run?

. . . based on Jesus’ life or upon someone I cannot completely depend on?



  1. The Test of PURPOSE


Is this person or this teaching . . .


. . . wanting the best for my physical, moral, and spiritual life?

. . . hurting or helping me carry out God’s purposes for my life?

. . . motivated by unselfish sacrifice or self-serving motives?

. . . helping me fulfill my God-given gifts or holding me back?



  1. The Test of RELATIONSHIP


Is this person or this teaching encouraging or discouraging . . .


. . . to my close relationship to Christ and my Family?.

. . . to me to be in daily communication with Jesus?

. . . to my relationship with my church family?


  1. The Test of ETERNITY


Is this person or this teaching . . .


. . . consistent with the Bible’s teachings about my eternal life?

. . . leading me to a life that is worth living and dying for?

. . . built on and focused on the eternal Jesus or on something else?


Before you make a decision about whether a person or teaching is telling the truth or is someone or something you can depend on, put them to the test. Be careful about what you allow to significantly influence your life.


The Bible says, “Don’t let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers built on men’s thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ has said. For in Christ there is all of God in a human body.” Col. 2:8-9 TLB